For the last six days, I couldn't sleep...couldn't sleep...couldn't sleep....

Sep 22, 2008 12:21

This weekend was interesting but my goal of getting healthy again was not achieved.

Friday I tripped (and it actually worked after three attempts) and it was the best experience of my life. It took like two hour to kick in and I almost gave up, but then Evie and I were playing Brawl and I got really sad and started crying and said something like "Evie, why so much violence? Why do the monkeys have to fight each other? why can't they get along!?" and she was like "ALLIE YOU"RE ABOUT TO DIE YOU"RE WALKING OFF THE EDGE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" and then melted into the couch for like an hour. Then our kitchen started melting and everything was wet. Evie got transfixed in the wall for about 45 minutes and kept telling me to look at it but I was into my computer and how the letters I typed on AIM were all slanty when really they weren't. Then she got quiet for another hour. Eventually we went to bed and I woke up feeling so strange, but happy strange.

I miss veronica richfield really badly. I want her to live with me when she drops out of school and comes back to mpls.

Yesterday Evie went to the renfest with her family and I haven't seen her since cuz she didn't come home last night. I miss her. She's watching tv and ignoring me. She's kinda like owning a cat, she's super independent but when she wants to play with you she's not shy to tell you. Haha I love her. I wish she liked people so we could be social more....I feel like a loser sitting at home playing video games with her all the time, even though it's way too much fun.

My annual fall insomnia is kicking in and it sucks cuz I need to sleep or else I'm crabby and can't get up early for my job, visit by puppies for about 45 minutes, then go to school.

Life is good.
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