Apr 26, 2006 15:40
My daughter (10) took the pictures of the baby to school with her today for the rest of the class.
There is one picture, of me holding the baby after our first nursing. Nothing that a halter top would show was showing.One of the girls made a comment about how gross it was, for me to be like that in public. My daughter being the cutie she is said "she was just feeding the baby". The girl then started making fun of her for my choice to breastfeed. My daughter didn't get all preteen sobby either. She turned into a boob freak!!! She told the little girl that the baby needed to eat and if he's hungry in public moms should be able to feed their babies, and people should grow up about it. Told her babies have been drinking from boobies since the cave men. Then she reminded the class that the milk from a jug comes from cows boobs, and they sleep in their own crap...lol