Fuck yeah, my fist entry. I'm so excited! lol
I've been thinking about creating a LJ account for ages now and "tadah" here I am!
The reason I joined this amazing world is basically because of BellDom. I'm such a freak and I read waaaay to much slash *blushes* So I thought: "WTF? Let's get my own journal!"
I'll mostly post personal stuff, but I reckon I'll also try to write my own stories even tho I suck in writing (you've been warned!) xD
I also want to thank all the wonderful writers that inspired me and kept me company during my days. Special thanks to
shayunknown but also many many others. You girls are amazing!
I'm sorry in advance for all the spelling mistakes I'll make. Be patient :)
So, yeah..That's all :)
Enjoy and thanks everybody!