I really want to go to the EOTE but serves me right for being so procastinating with that silly essay of mine and I am barely just at the introduction part and I honestly dont think I can get it done before 11 or something.
LOL, and why the hell am I on my LJ right? I know, because I got distracted again. I basically did a HOHOHO laugh when I received the latest email from Will. I was literally doing that Santa Claus laughter because I felt quite victorious and gleeful. (: Thank you darling, you managed to pick me up from the ground today and at least now I know that my night will end quite splendidly, regardless of my presence in the Cellar or not.
Lots of cheering outside my room right now. Why? Because the 4th years are preparing for EOTE. urgh. GO AWAY.
Since I have not posted any photos of my room yet, here's a better view of my room for this year and next year, yup without the restriction from webcam and my silly pointing at random directions to explain which door is which.
That's Kaian's white water skiing coat at the end of the clothing rack. See, I have preserved it well. Cannot wait for her to get back here in April!
That's the toilet with that peeping curtain and door to my room
The boards that keep me quite alive in my room
OK goodbye! that's a queen's fresher's shirt btw. it means quite a lot to me because it's sort of the first item that made me really use my fake angmoh name on the back of the shirt. I find it really amazing that I am so used to being called Kayla now that I cannot really identify myself as strongly as wuyue as before. Somehow I involuntarily grimace when people attempt to call me wuyue and they fail at doing so. Just makes me sound like some alien.
OK successfully waster 15 min. GO ME.