Doctor Who Series 4, Episode 5: The Poison Sky - Reaction

May 04, 2008 16:22

This episode was just freaking awesome. My faith in Helen Raynor has been COMPLETELY restored - not since The Ghost Machine in October 2006 has she delivered a story as good as this second-part.

Some points.

Firstly: OMG SCARY ROSE TARDIS SCREEN FACE! I rewound and sat there for the next five minutes swearing and shaking. I practically gave myself a nightmare, it freaked me out so much! It reminded me of Witch (Buffy 1.3), and it took me an hour to get to sleep, having started watching the episode at 9:30 when my parents had gone to bed, completely exhausted from the day out we had.

2. Rattigan became more likeable. And that ending was just MADE OF AWESOME. "Sontar-ha!" and then the ship blows up! So cool.

3. The fire burning up the atmosphere looked amazing.

4. It was all very believable.

5. Freema was very good as her clone and herself, particularly the scene with the two of them, the clone pleading. Really great stuff!

6. Colonel Mace, lolz! I swear the Doctor hit him round the back of the head at some point XD

7. Doctor hit by Donna! Yay!

8. Loved the run in to next week's. Which is set to be INCREDIBLE!! :D

review/reaction, the tenth doctor, doctor who

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