“Pushing Who: Happy-Go-Weirdy” - A Doctor Who/Pushing Daisies crossover.
Collab between me and my friend Jess. I’ll write a chapter, she’ll write a chapter.
Title: Pushing Who: Happy-Go-Weirdy
Genre: Humour, crossover, mystery
Story By: Immy and Jess
This Chapter By: Immy (
Word Count: 2,159
Disclaimer: Characters not ours, DW © BBC and PD ©
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This relates to the icon below. Jack is bi, or more accurately, "omni", as he goes for anything with a pulse - human or alien.
LMAO at the drinking comment. I was thinking of Lily when I wrote that in. But R for drinking? hehe.
I had to go back and read the other chapters just there, cos I could not remember writing parallel earth! It was in Jess' chapter. Which segues nicely into your last question. It is a problem that you might overlap or miss details when you're writing in "tandem" as you put it, but it's also brilliant because you have an instant beta and someone to help dig you out of any plot holes you've somehow got yourself into. Such as the explanation about Jack being alive again. I texted Jess saying "WTF HOW DO WE EXPLAIN THAT??" and she texted back with that ridiculously long disease name.
Thanks for the comments!
It's funny, from Torchwood I didn't have this impression from Jack at all. When the new girl (whose name I don't remember) joined the team, I thought she and Jack would be a couple, he being the leader and all. But he was completely chaste in her presence, and some Torchwood members were wondering if he was gay. Then in the end of season one wqe learn of his love affair with some WWII pilot. Eventually I got the image he was a gay version of Ned, pure and with just one true lost love. But I guess when TV writers make those crossover characters, sometimes they take one too many liberties.
I remember Jack coming back to life in Torchwood. It was left as a mystery, and he seemed to carry a heavy burden because of that. I guess the Toerchowood Jack was much more dramatic and somber.
Which again raisies the question. What if Ned touched him before he regained consciousness? I don't know if it was you or Jess who said nothing would happen because Jack doesn't die. But is it that he doesn't die, or he dies and immediately comes back to life on his own? That's interesting because I was thinking of a similar situation with Ned touching seemingly dead Sylar.
Yes, drinking is rated R! Goota give those kids a good example. Kids look up to Olive! Actually I, I'm susprised Lily even drinks, considering the innocence of Daisies universe. They even take great lengths not to characterize Lily's vision as a drug overdose. It's just homeopathic fun! Come on, in real life a gruff PI like Emerson would go for a piece o rhubarb first in the morning or a shot of Bourbon? I don't think he would get his kicks out of just sugar...
About parallel unvierse, congratulate your friend. That's something I identify with. Check my story to find out when Aaron Tyler tries to make a simple phone call to Emerson, and you'll know what I mean.
Keep the good work!
He first came back to life in Doctor Who, the show where his character first appeared. The shows are more entwined than casual viewers think, and both are fantastic!
Well, he SAYS he dies every time. And the problem Ned would have with Jack if the one minute rule is the same problem the Doctor had with him - as a man who believes so strongly in science, a man who couldn't die just set the hairs on the back of his neck on end, effectively. Jack's a freak, basically. And so I don't think the one minute rule would affect him :S Because clearly he doesn't imbalance nature as he comes back to life all the time with no need to take anyone else's life, so nobody would need to take his place going over Ned's minute, even if Ned touched him...do you see what I mean? I'm not sure how clearly I'm explaining myself here XD
PG-13 at the most, surely? Dear god, Americans are strange. PD is a 12 here. As for Emerson and his pie, that's just PD being lovely and charming and...well..being itself :D
I love that story!! I am following it most avidly, having just watched all of Wonderfalls on your recommendation :)
So..you keep up the good work too!
I have a theory. Spinoff writers are not as careful as they make us believe. They pluck one character out of a series and place him in another, and remodel his personality as it best suits them.
I don't doubt what yous aid about Jack in Dr. Who. But the Jack in the first season of Torchwood is quite different than that. Working for Torchwood is described as a very demanding activity, one which ruins your personal life, and demands all you can give.
Jack is the leader of the group. No matter how hard things are, the team memebers know they can count on his expertise andsolid emotional balance. he's also the mroal compass of the group, so they won't lose themselves in this complicated battle.
He's always a gentleman, and always does the right thing, and it was only at the end of the season I had some clue of his sexuality.
Because of this it is the character Owen that takes the role of being lewd and irresponsible (using alien gadgets to pick girls in bars, and beginning a toxic relationship with Gwen). Jack is above that. In first-season Torchwood, at least...
I don't really know how strange Americans can be,actually. PG-13? That's because of Olive's drinking? I was just joking, although drinking does remove some of her innocence.
I wanted to show Pushing Daisies to my young nephews but realized stories about dying mothers and fathers, and kids abandoned in a boarding school was not for young kids.
Thanls for the kind words about my story, and all. There's much more to come.
Snozzcumber pie, how very Ten!
Love the interaction between Emmerson and Olive, and also you might consider a musical interlude. You have John Barrowman and Kristin Chenoweth in one scene, might be fun to use them!
Love the idea of Chuck also taking an interest in Captain Jack, a lot in common there, both have technically died, and have been brought to life.
Surprised that The Doctor doesn't taste something very, very interesting in the pies. Might be interesting if he is able to tell that the fruit had to be extremely fresh before making them.
Must note, love the way you keep the description with that of the narration of Pushing Daisies. The attention to detail is much appreciated.
And now they are all going out to investigate, onto the next chapter.
OHH I KNOW, if there ever was an actual crossover episode on telly (just about the unlikeliest thing on the planet, yeah, but hey that's what fanfic is for!) then a duet between those two would just be fantastic!!
Chuck would also be interested in Jack because she probably won't die of old age, like both him and Digby (well, unless the Face of Boe aspect is to be believed, but that's in the year 5 billion and whatever anyway). But she CAN be killed, not just by Ned, so they do differ there.
Wow, that's such a great idea about the fruit! That really would have been awesome.
Thank you so much for the compliment on the description. It's what I find most rewarding about writing this fic, the narrator-voice :D
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