Random things floating around in my head.

Aug 18, 2007 22:24

First off, to start with something bizarre. SORT OF NOT WORK SAFE, you have been warned: http://www.bmezine.com/news/guest/20070818.html, via boingboing. Bizarre story about a certain person who was the father of a certain person everyone knows. It's sort of weird, cause father and son seem to be total opposites. Or maybe the son is just hiding it. :P

Second, http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/476675/30/30/threaded. Safari for Windows "disclosure" of sorts, which makes you want to ask yourself just why that particular option is enabled by default on all platforms. At first glance, I thought it was dumb. But hey, the more people point it out...

Third, http://www.intelligentsiacoffee.com/ - a really yummy new coffee shop in Silver Lake. Actual coffee.

Fourth, http://www.tofufest.org/ - going on this weekend, Sunday is the last day. I'm going, so maybe I'll see one of you there...doing the wifi scavenger hunt with my iPhone or something. :D


My iPhone bill came in the mail..finally.

Sixth, for all you present, past and future HGMers out there: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1653653,00.html - a Time magazine article about gifted programs and students nationwide and how to deal with us (or not). If you feel like joining a particularly long and sometimes really inane discussion about it, there's always http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/17/211255...

Seventh, http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/18/1942200 - RealID is evil. Someone hack the databases afterwards and release ALL the info to the public. Or use it for evil. Because you KNOW it's going to happen with such a HUGE and appealing target for those identity stealers out there. Or you could...you know, oppose it before it's actually put into place.

Eighth, http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/18/1138224. Comcast sucks even more nowadays...and if you're not noticing the slowdown in bittorrent upload already, it's going to happen soon (probably). Now go buy some seedboxes for torrenting :D I highly recommend Vectoral for a non .us box, LayeredTech if you feel like going .us (be warned)..

school, iphone, geek rants

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