Something that makes me slightly sick inside

Jun 21, 2007 19:34

So, I watch a LiveJournal group that has rather controversial posts - it's about debating abortions.

The last post was a very sickening one, sickening that there are people this retarded on this planet.

A couple from Minnesota had sextuplets. They tried for over a year unsuccessfully to get pregnant (not 2? not 5? err...), and then tried a fertility drug. Then they found out she was pregnant with sextuplets, obviously the drug worked too well, or someone fucked up (or fucked? :P), that's speculative. Doctors wanted to do selective reduction - aka perform selective abortions on some of the fetuses so the remaining have a better chance of survival. They refused, saying that they were more than just fetuses and God would protect them or whatever.

Now, not even a week after giving birth to all six, three have died and the remaining three are not in great shape. All were born at 22 weeks, all weighing under 20oz.

Okay, so given that viability at 22 weeks gestation is around 2-3%, and that's the most optimistic number from googling around a little bit...odds aren't very good for the three little babies.

So, someone tell me. The couple already played God with fertility drugs. The couple has already watched three of the six babies die in less than a week, and chances the remaining three will survive are very low, and if any or all do survive, they may have lifelong health problems from being born so prematurely.

So if the parents went the selective reduction route, 3-4 fetuses may have been aborted to help the remaining 2-3. The remaining fetuses would most likely not have to deal with all the issues of being born at 22 weeks gestation because the risk of that happening with twins or triplets is lower. Already three have died, which means selective reduction would have been better at this point if such a situation were to occur, and the worse the situation becomes for the remaining three, the better it would have been if the parents went with selective reduction.

In the end, this was inevitable. No matter which route the parents went, some of them were going to have to die, and so far, three have. If they had done the abortions, the remaining babies would have a better chance at survival and have lower health risks from not being born so prematurely. Because they had not, whether or not the remaining three will survive are questionable, moreso because they were born so prematurely because it was such a high-risk pregnancy due to the number.

Meanwhile, there was a Los Angeles couple that did make that decision. Why is it that their logic made so much more sense than the one of the Minnesota couple?

Anyway...their website:
Yes, 6. Should be 6 minus 3, but apparently the three that died are still miracles.

religion, abortion, health

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