two days

Jun 04, 2008 02:29

only two days until my flight to sf. hopefully this time red is functional, flying virgin america again.

oh did i mention i sent virgin america an email about their twitter account and some oddities on their website, and this guy named bowen replied to me asking what i think they should be doing and i told them... and they actually made those changes? it was almost freaky to see how fast the response was. i have never gotten such good customer support from any company. this is why i'm flying with them again instead of with perhaps another airline with more convenient times. :)

i will not be live-tweeting the keynote and what i think of it, sorry. there's going to be about 10000 other people doing the same thing or speculating/analyzing, eventually killing twitter ;)

i think i'm going to be able to pull off renting a car up there for a few days. i'm not sure why nobody can give me a definitive answer, but the insurance company and the rental guy i talked to said it's probably okay. i mean honestly, im willing to throw money at them, why won't they take it :( i have a flawless albeit short driving record..i've ONLY been driving for more than three years (at this point driving 100+mi/day on average) and have a business credit card with a crazy credit limit, boo hoo hoo. fucking age discrimination. someone sue car rental companies? why does NY get to have a law about this but not a state like california..

i tried dyeing my hair earlier today, and it was great up until my mom offered to do the highlights. well, my hair is a mess now.

also, the obama news..awesome. although what id like to see most is obama+clinton. i honestly don't think there's anything THAT bad with her, i'm just sad that despite getting so many votes (its not like she lost by a huge percentage) she's pretty much lost. what sickens me most is the amount of money being spent on this. almost a billion dollars so far. ugh.

(oh yeah, did i mention california rocked the june 3rd election? majority voted no on prop 98 :) )

wwdc2008, politics

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