twitter is broke :(

Feb 29, 2008 04:28

I find it very bizarre that a site as ..well, "simple" as twitter can have so much downtime, especially due to a possible botched untested (? or inadequately tested...) server addition (!).

i thought when they moved away from joyent to verio that people would shut up about downtime issues..I mean from what I've dealt with in regards to joyent's services, they've been pretty decent so I thought they were just trying to blame someone else (they not being twitter, because twitter hasn't really blamed joyent for downtime issues, but rather the users blaming joyent). if twitter has completely switched from joyent to verio and still have these problems..well..I doubt it was entirely joyent's fault that there was so much downtime :)

I'm not sure I've come across many web2.0-y social-ish sites that are down so often..for that matter, any site in general. Sure many of them learn about performance/scalability issues the hard way, but it doesn't take them forever to deal with it adequately. and a lot of the downtime i have seen was scheduled or due to some freak insanely slim chance of occuring accident or legal matters. :P Not the random ups and downs of twitterific spitting out 404 and timeout errors asking if I can connect to

Is it cause of some lack of money to purchase the needed infrastructure or what? It's not like their series b funding was insignificant. it seems to have made no dent whatsoever in reliability though.

geek rants

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