queer rtorrent problem

Dec 10, 2007 21:49

So I found myself banned on this one tracker today, so I wander into their IRC channel to ask why. My ratio was fairly good, the account was active enough, etc. Turns out my rtorrent install on one of my servers was identifying as "//". But it was rtorrent! So I had no idea wtf was going on. It only took me a good thirty minutes to figure out the problem ><

My server is running Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper), miscellaneous upgrades, a laziness to upgrade, unwillingness to muck around with things when things already work just fine (it required only ONE reboot in half a year owing to some very odd hard drive issues). This will end up playing an unfortunately big part in the problem.

Installing libtorrent and rtorrent from both svn and stable were giving me one problem. The usual ./configure && make && make install was working just great until I was trying to configure rtorrent when it spits out this error message:
error: Package requirements (sigc++-2.0 libcurl >= 7.12.0 libtorrent >= 0.11.8) were not met:
Requested 'libtorrent >= 0.11.8' but version of libtorrent is
So not having searched close enough, the closest solution to the problem I was able to find after a quick google was http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ticket/1102 but the error message wasn't quite the same, and PKG_CONFIG_PATH was just fine, pointed to the path that contained libtorrent.pc but...what was up with the lack of a version number? So I hand edited /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libtorrent.pc to include the version number. It worked and I got rtorrent installed. But every time I started up rtorrent, the stupid client kept identifying itself as "//".

So I had had it. I couldn't figure out why it was reporting as "//", especially when the same thing on my gentoo install at home had no issues whatsoever.

So I googled a bit harder. The first result for what I searched for was a link to libtorrent trac, which was in turn a search result for, among other things, errors similar to the one I was having. And that trac ticket I looked at was the first result that made sense, but I took a closer look and found http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/ticket/1089.


The version of automake I had installed was 1.4 (!). I needed at least 1.5. So that was a fast solution:

apt-get install automake1.9
update-alternatives --set automake /usr/bin/automake-1.9
cd rtorrent files/libtorrent
./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make install
cd ../rtorrent
./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make install
YES! It reports itself as "rtorrent/0.7.9/0.11.9"!

So, curious as to why the automake version included with dapper seemed to be 1.4, I looked and found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/automake-transition, so it looks like as long as you're using Feisty or newer, you'll be using 1.9/1.10. On a sidenote, 1.4 is INSANELY OUTDATED and 1.9.x was new around the time Dapper was released. Why on earth such an old, outdated, unsupported version was in use I will never understand.

Sheesh, that was stupid in every way.


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