Flee while you still can, this country blows.

Dec 01, 2007 02:38

Evolution Debate Led to Ouster, Official Says

AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 29 (AP) - The state’s director of science curriculum said she resigned this month under pressure from officials who said she had given the appearance of criticizing the teaching of intelligent design.

The Texas Education Agency put the director, Chris Comer, on 30 days’ paid administrative leave in late October, resulting in what Ms. Comer called a forced resignation.

Ummmm.....ummmmm....yeah. Can't express support for a well-supported scientific theory...as the director of the science curriculum for an entire state? Or rather, can't express support against some preposterous religious bullshit as a person who'd have a lot of say in what's taught in schools? Isn't that..um..her job, maybe?

People can go learn about the ID stuff in their religious places of worship. It shouldn't be forcefed to kids and teachers in any government funded school.


Speaking of retardedness..

I live in west LA. Generally it's a pretty sweet place to live, it's near a bunch of things I like (10 minute drives to the beach, malls, events..). One day while driving about making my way to the freeway I spotted a sign for some campaign. Sometimes they're irrelevant to where I live (i.e. local neighborhood councils and politicians), sometimes they're retarded (like the Ron Paul supporters), and most of the time I just don't care. But this one was sorta interesting.


Anything catch your eye? "strip club", perhaps?

Some people, who unfortunately can't live any further away from me than they already do, had too much time and a few bucks burning a hole in their pocket and created a website to oppose a strip club coming into the neighborhood. And there's probably like a miniscule and almost impossible chance the club isn't going to be granted a permit as long as they comply with everything (like lopping off seven feet from the building to be 1000 feet away from a bondage parlor...that's an interesting one).

But no, scare tactics are absolutely necessary. The usual drugs+violence (which, you know, if you read that police report about the appropriate area, there's been more prostitution going on than drugs and violence...), the prostitution (if your 18 year old son who goes to Hamilton can afford $800 to fuck a random girl after school, you have bigger issues)...oh dear god, it's not like you're not going to know someone who's probably going to make at least one visit to the club when it does open. Pedestrian traffic? Are you kidding me, OMG! more traffic and the city isn't gonna do something about it if it causes a problem? And it obviously is, because you think the club is going to get a LOT of customers..

Wait, isn't that just implying something fantastic? Protest the club all you want, go to your pathetic hearings with your pathetic excuses, but in the end once it opens it'll probably stay open and plenty of people will be frequenting it..like, you know, maybe the same people fake-protesting this now. You can do your part by NOT GOING THERE if you hate it so much.

The same thing seems to happen way too often with pro-lifers and new abortion clinic openings. Yeah, protest all you want, one day you'll be coming in secret...to get an abortion. Oh the hypocrisy.

Intolerance and idiocy, argh.

politics and religion, idiocy

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