Still nothing important. :/

Nov 25, 2009 01:34

I hate writing in Natty's POV. I have to speak formally and eloquently and it's a royal pain in dah butt. However, I love classy, mature speak like that so I do it anyway. I'm a sucker for noble girls, girls who could've been perfect ladies during the Victorian era.

I also love hard-working, good-hearted nice guys. Maybe this is why Guy/Nat is my OTP. :/

And Flynn, Suzaku, Shirley, and Eleanor are all my favorite characters too. No points if you guess right the fandoms they're from respectively.

I haven't written fanfic in forever. Maybe I'll be able to by Christmas break. Also, fanfic seems to be the only thing I talk about on this journal.

Umm... =_=;;

Oh, yes! Well, I finally set up an account on MyFigureCollection. I love figurines, I honestly do. I have oh so many, and I want oh so more. Oh, Yuri figurine, you are my goal~ (As well as Kagamine Lin)

In other news, I wish I had my scanner again. I want to post art. I have so many 4komas, it's not even funny.

I also want my creativity back.

I want to finish my research paper.

I want to stop being distracted from doing what I should be doing.

I want to nom on delicious turkey soon.

I want you to stop reading this entry.

Right now.

fanfiction, art, figurine, work

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