Title: "After Sex"
Ship: Draco/Ginny
Rating: R
Summary: Exactly what the title says. A little conversation post-sex.
A/N: Oh my god, my first Draco/Ginny in a LONG fucking time. 498 words, small ficlet with no plot. Best I could do *weeps* I've got that longer D/G fic, it's about 5000 words right now, and will probably be posted in 3 or 5 parts. But I'm not going to post it until it's all done. And it's just not working right now.
“Was it really necessary for you to stick me with that Stunner? I had a bloody headache all day, you bint.”
His voice was deeply irritated and tinged with complaint.
“We have to keep up appearances,” said Ginny, resting her forehead against his sweaty shoulder, her breathing gradually evening. “And no one would believe it of me if I’d just stood idly by. In the future,” she said, voice muffled as she closed her teeth at the spot where neck met shoulder, lips curving as he hissed, “don’t provoke my brothers when I’m present. Family loyalty and all that, you know. And,” she added in a whisper, “at least I didn’t use the Bat-Bogey hex.”
“You could try being a little nicer to me,” Draco said mildly, frowning, unmoving from his sprawled position on the desk, propped up on his elbows. His pants were still loose over his hips, unzipped. Muscles relaxed, blond hair damp and falling into grey eyes, he was like a painting of Mars after an assignation with Venus. He blinked.
“Yes, but didn’t I make it up to you?” She grinned at him cheekily and slid off the desk.
Draco eyed the curve of her bottom as she bent down and fished beneath the desk for her plain cotton panties and slipped them on, and privately agreed that yes, by all means, she had remedied his headache.
Ginny could feel him watching her as she wriggled into her skirt and tugged it firmly into place, smoothing the material down her hips with her hands. “Besides, you don’t want me to be nice,” she said matter-of-factly, now buttoning her shirt. “People might suspect something.”
His frown deepened, but he only raised an eyebrow and said, “Come here.”
She hesitated and then shrugged, going over to stand between his long legs. His fingers went deftly to the buttons of her shirt as he proceeded to finish the job for her. He was efficient in his task, sliding the small buttons into its tiny hole in the cloth. Halfway done, he seemed to linger, fingers brushing against the swell of skin over her bra. Ginny shivered in reflex, enjoying the contact as she knew he did, and gazed at his bent head.
“There’s no putting this to rights,” she sighed, fingers tangling in her hair as she attempted to comb it out.
Draco looked at her openly, her hair mussed, lips swollen, the flush suffusing her face. She looked the very picture of a girl thoroughly loved, and although he knew he could, he didn’t offer to charm his marks away.
“Hurry back to Gryffindor Tower now,” he said lazily, settling back on his elbows. He usually stayed behind while she left first, liking to enjoy the post-coital bliss and languor of limbs. “You’re right, people might suspect something.”
Ginny flashed him a smile that made him want to drag her down to lie alongside him on the table again, and gathering her bag and books, left.