So I re-joined Facebook - I'm not perfect

Oct 17, 2014 02:46

And I feel ok about it.

As I put it in one of my facebook posts - I think that something shifted, and I turned a page, where I just don't want to live in fear about all this privacy infringement, and I weighed two things against one another.

The opportunity to reach out and maybe be of greater support to friends I care about vs. taking a stand and taking my ball and going home pouting about facebook's imperfect-ness. One was a gift outward of love and support. The other was a retreat into a pouty-ego driven victim mentality.

So, crazy privacy be damned. I decided to go back to be a positive force. It's part of this renewed spirituality, faith, and re-exploring all of my Christian roots. Yes, Christian spirituality, without the trappings and with a bit of healing from past religious trauma. It's been really changing me and taking the focus off the constant "me me me ME" craziness that I saw myself getting into in the past. Instead I want to try and be positive and lift others up. No more baby-bird "feed me feed me" crap. I'm an adult on this planet, and maybe I need to focus on what I can GIVE instead of what I think I need to receive or what my ego says "I deserve."

No more politics discussed in social media. It just doesn't matter. We're all humans, all children of the Universe, the Creator, God, whatever you call it. I want to choose to see that aspect of people and make their day rather than cut them down. Plus, there's a great reward in just "making peace" with those folks you know who have different views than you. It doesn't mean you're best friends, but at least you are "in peace" with them. You can share in the fact that you're fellow humans/children of the universe and bless them just the same.

I've also seen that there's just not a lot of activity here, and not a lot of ways to give feedback or know if your feedback was taken well, ignored, or even read. Unfortunately that little "like" button can say quite a bit. Lots of times I took the time to write out some thoughtful responses to folks (from my heart) and I have no idea how the comment was received. Even if you don't like it, folks, let me know! Disagree or Like, but don't be silent.

I've also found that LJ can still be a place where people vent from their ego - a lot. We all have a right to vent and express ourselves.. And nobody's perfect I know. But.. when there's only a handfull of folks left here, and a majority of posts become venting "don't-like-my-job-don't-like-my-life-don't-like-this-and-that" etc. Well.. it pollutes the brain a bit. And really, sometimes folks are not looking for support or any solutions.

So what can you do? I still love these folks. I still send loving energy, and trust that somewhere down the road that the Universe and/or God will bring them to love themselves enough to show them that there is NO REASON to not feel grace, and to not go out and grab exactly what you want from this ONE life we live.

Jump and your net will appear.

I may come here from time to time again, but I'm going to experiment with Facebook once again - with a renewed and different approach. We'll see where it goes!

So find me under my real name - Scott Schumacher, and friend me there.  Send me a message if you aren't a friend of a friend and I can add you.
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