I may refuse an offer for the following reasons.
1. You're a known deadbeat/scammer
2. I decide I don't need the money enough to let the item go.
By offering you are not binding me to sell even if you have the highest offer.
I love my collection and really REALLY don't want to let any of it go right now, but I need the money for bills. The only reason I would refuse a high offer and decide not to sell is if for some reason I find money elsewhere.
Paypal payments must be sent within 3 days
Concealed Cash must be received within 10 days.
There will be a $2 Handling Fee per transaction. (this covers anything from packaging to paypal fees, etc)
Shipping costs are extra and will depend on your location
Please FlickrMail all Offers to me with the subject line of 'Banana' so I know you've read this.
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