The 30 Days Blogging Challenge - Day 07

Mar 07, 2011 17:40

This post is dedicated to my best friend. You know who you are.

Link to the meme here.

As the only child in the family, people have high hopes for me. By people I mean my parents, my uncles, my aunts and my friends. And bless be to The Almighty God, so far I had been excel in all my exams. Be it UPSR, PMR, SPM, my years in boarding schools until now, it’s either straight As or I’d get a dean list. Nothing less than that.

But I could not help but to feel the burden because of all this. Support words such as “Athirah you’ll do great!”, “I know you’ll score on this one!”, “Kalau Tira confirm leh buat punye!”, “Athirah tak yah blajar pun takpe” suddenly have became irritation. I started to wonder; “Do I have to do this to please my parents?”, “I know when is the time to study, you don’t have to remind me every minutes!” These thoughts haunted me, to the point where I feel like failing once in my life, just to show that I am not made to be success all the time.

Then, this came. This very e-mail came. It’s not just an e-mail. It’s THE e-mail that I won’t delete, hopefully for the rest of my life.

________,-~-. __.--.__ ,-~-._______
_______/ .- ,'_________`. -. \______
_______\ ` /`__________' \ ' /______
_________\___( ._|_. )___/_________

With a simple message at the end;

da cutei bear 4 u…..
thnx for being my fren..;-)
smoge kte sesame dpt stret 1A
dlm spm kte…

“A cute bear for you, thanks for being my friend, hope that both of us will get straight 1A for our SPM, amin.”

And learning have never been a burden ever since. Learning has become a blessing. Like God’s way to show there’s a lot more waiting for you in this world, if ever there is obstacles along your path, embrace it, face it and life would be beautiful again. It is.

I never knew an e-mail can change one’s perspective, but believe it or not, it can happened. To my best friend, I hope a simple “Thank You” is able to convey how grateful I am to have you. Thank you.


apple's fillings, meme from akmal, random

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