this is for you gibbs.

May 26, 2004 10:03

i love you so dearly becca. you mean so much to me. everytime i see your little face i get this happy feeling inside that makes me smile from ear to ear. you've brought nothing but joy to my life and i'm so blessed to have you as a friend. well like i've told you i'm not saying goodbye, meg just doesn't do those kinds of things, its more like a... i'll see you when you get back from your vacation! hehe i love you bec and you'll always have a dear place in my heart.xoxo.

i'll never forget the first time we ate del taco cheese fries together and i taught you how to use the fries as tongs..l'll never have a joke until you come back, it just wouldn't be the same w/out you..everytime i look at goldy (this fish i won when you and i had our date at the carnival) i'll think of you..MEG! BEC! MEG! BEC! haha good times! spending most of rock-a-hula w/ you was thee best, we love our fruit!! man we have so many great memories together and i know we will be adding to them later on when you return from your trip, i can go on and on w/ these good times of ours but the simple fact of the matter is...I FLUFFIN LOVE YOU BECCA YANG!!!

i'll miss you sooooo freakin MUCH!!!!
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