Jul 20, 2009 07:14
I mean, Oklahoma City. (I always confuse those two.)
Last night Mr Pi and I watched "Hot Fuzz." Lookit me, so hip and happening with the watching of the movies! This one was only released 2 years ago - how very up-to-date I am. Anyway, it was AWESOME. I immediately jumped online and scrapbooked a ton of fic - there is little in life more satisfying than knowing that even if I can't get reliable internet access in OKC, I will have fics to read on my computer. *happy sigh*
...Time to pack up the computer. Sigh. Five-hour drive ahead of me, but my supervisor (who I love) is driving most of it, so I will have plenty of time to relax and work on my Simon Pegg crush. (Star Trek started it, Hot Fuzz did the rest of the job.) :-)