
Jun 09, 2005 10:56

well here i m in summer school its freakin boring but junior is next door so it isnt that bad well right now we are in speech with DUMB becca and COOL efrain 8) well i cant wait to get out of this class so i can do some weed with junior and then we will go hav some fun at the park. well every1 i just wanted to let you all know that efrain is freakin cool and that becca is dumb and efrain ALWAYS gives me money and i black mail him by doin MEAN stuff and i am ALWAYS mean to him and i PUNCH him in the testicles. well i am going to go get drunk later today also and go fight some girls that wanna start shit because i am a little baddass and no one can do anything about it and i love junior. well erika right now is mad at me because i havnt talked to her all the times that she told me to. and im sorry erika i'll call you later some other time wen efrain reminds me again because he is the one that tells me and felissa i am gunna hav to wrestle you some time because i am sure some people would like to see that so we'll do it like at the mall or somthin.oh yeah every1 efrain made becca cry just right now because he erased all the messages she had on her phone and out of no where she is all like i am gunna cry and she just walked out the class room and every1 started to laugh at her nah jk. but that was weird cryin over sumthing like that, only in a cheerleader. well i hav to go now me and junior are goin to make out see ya later every1 and i'll try to call you some time erika and we'll wrestle somtime too felissa and efrain YOUR THE BEST, oh yeah junior you cool
~*EFRAIN*~ ( im gay)
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