"Allow me to remark that such police-attacks against peaceful citizens is something I only know from accounts from China and similar dictatorships."
- Dieter Reichert, former leading judge at a court in Stuttgart
Link to a German Article from "Die Welt" about a German judge who wasn't demonstrating, but yet got attacked by police. I can hardly agree more. It's amazing, and shocking, what is happening in Germany at the moment. Also, or maybe also because of, the way certain people try to shove it out of news and headlines, fortunately without too much success.
Apart from the fact that this prestige-object station they want to built is a) far more expensive than anyone, including city, state or republic, can aford, b) less trains than before will be able to pass through the supposedly so modern and future-oriented and whatever tracks, c) there are examinations of the grounds under Stuttgart saying that the ground isn't suitable for such a project and might result in a catastrophe, and will cost billions of additional Euros either way anyway, what shocks me most has nothing to do with this building-project, although it's stupid and outrageous on it's own:
What shocks me so is that peaceful demonstrators of a registered, allowed demonstrations were attacked by a policeforce resembling an army, that students as young as 8-years-old and pensioners have been attacked, that people have been attacked who were merely near, but not taking part in the demonstration. There have been cases of blindness from injury by now, and several hundreds of people are injured.
What also shocks me is that the political party resposible for this (and since with German politics at this time, I do not doubt the other mayor political party would've done the same thing, I won't even name them) still denied the use of pepperspray when both the police and videos proved otherwise. It outrages me how politics try to claim everybody protesting were criminals shoving children in front of them. It outrages me how they try to ridicule the people, us, the German citizens, and most of all it outages me how they DARED saying "These decisions are not the people's business". Which point of democracy didn't they understand?!
This stopped being about the building project, no matter how incredibly utterly outrageous it is, too. This is about our democracy. This is about our basic rights. And this finally shows that German politics stopped caring for us, the German citizens, long ago. We are only important during elections. Afterwards all that matters to them is their power.
Everybody who reads this and cares, especially the Germans, please do make sure to share the current events with everybody you know who doesn't yet know about it. Do feel free to cross-post this. Every German should think about this. I don't care whether you are pro Stuttgart 21 or contra Stuttgart 21, but we all need to make up our minds about the question in what kind of country we want to live in.