Jul 11, 2008 21:57

it has been six weeks since the last in this thing.

hello little world!

i will be 19 years old in a few weeks. seems such a useless age. an inbetween of sorts good for nothing except bridging the gap into YOUNGadulthood. i know that isn't one word. forgive me. the day was hot, and has aidled my brain a bit. possibly. or it could be the toddlers.

Montessori is great. i got and lost a crush in a matter of hours in my first two days working there. his name was Grif. i am not sure the crush is gone. he is a mandolin, guitar, piano playing sing songin' god. he works in TC #1 (Toddler Community #1). the crush was crushed (maybe) on account of him being love with a girl named Maria- the deal with her has probably long since been sealed after the passing of wednesday night. long story. they belong together for now.

my boss is an ausm(read: MAGNIFICENT) tattoo artist. i am considering my first inklings carefully and deliberately. he will be the person i go to. i have seen his work.

in the mountains i sometimes become claustrophic, but i am longing to go back. i am feeling the gypsy in my blood. the dirt under my fingernails. if you're going to San Franciscoooooooooo
be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

my mother has been on a motion picture binge. there are stacks upon stacks of them, all in their little cases, littering our living room. i can't say i mind. i always have something to watch.

my skin feels tight. not litterally. i am itchy and i want out. i have sticky fingers. i have sunburnt legs. i have life.

this makes me sound content. i am. i am not. i am restless and have no where to go. i want a residence of my own. the finances are falling into place and BETSEY might be needing roomates to fill her holes. i have signed up first on the list.

crying is good. remember that.

if you are the type of person who is going to do it, then it is completely necessary.
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