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Jan 25, 2007 18:40

Yesterday I got into a car accident. I ran into an 18 wheeler. I was conscious through everything. I thought I was going to diiiiiie. I had a ruptured spleen. The bleeding stopped, no lacerations on my spleen it's just a bit sore. No surgery needed thankfully. I had to stay in the hospital overnight. I got a sponge bath LOL. My entire body is really really sore. My car is totaled. D: but hey I'm alive and well so I shouldn't complain. I'm going to be stuck in my house pretty much all next week so it would be nice to have company. My mom is about to get my prescription because I hurt a lotttttt. I'm sure I'll bounce back pretty fast. Methinks I shall go to school tomorrow which will be difficult because my right ankle hurts a lot. My mom and dad went to see the car today and said that I broke one of the pedals in half. bah I feel so gwoooosss I need a bath.
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