Late Nights

Nov 16, 2007 03:06

Jason has this chest cold thing. So:

1. I am afraid of the sharing germs usually participate with.

2. I'm pretty sure our neighbors are also kept awake with the sounds coming from his person. Possibly neighbors in Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, and probably Ohio.

3. It gave me a chance to catch up with my NaNo. *G*

This year, it's mostly been about aging. Not intentionally, mind you. Just seemed to happen that way. (Isn't that the best though?)

Senility was brought up. Actually, a current discussion between Jason and my siblings has been my tendency to start conversations in my head and try to finish them with others. Is that really considered senile? If I heard of others doing this, (which I haven't, not even relatives), I'd lean more toward insanity. Like the crazy people who randomly shout things at you while you're waiting for a bus. (I think it was Seinfeld who proposed that all these people really are just talking to each other mentally thousands of miles apart.) But, I really do tend to just continue the conversations. It all makes sense in my head, why shouldn't they get it? Really, you'd think they would when I start with "so then I," or my younger brother David's fav "you think I ordered a 12-inch pianist?"

I vote that as long as I know which conversations are which, or at least aware that I am doing it, there's no need for alarm. *G*
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