i <3 my amigos!

Jun 30, 2005 21:59

To everyone i consider or ever have considered a friend:

I would like to apologize if i have ever been a bad friend.

I am sorry if i try to make life into the MERCEDES show

and am inconsiderate to you in any way.  I really do care for

all my friends and love them and would be lost with out them.

Your friends are always there for you and i want all of you

to know that i will always be there for you just as you have

for me.  I dont mean to be selfish or selfcentered really after it

was brought to my attention i thought it was up to me to try and

make it clear that i really do care for you guys and have no cruel

intentions. Really the truth hurts but what won't kill you can only

make you stronger. haha i feel like such a punk writting this ...

swallow my pride but i love my friends to much to have the

fear or losing them for my stupid acts...its happened before

and i would hate for it to happen again. You have to learn

from your mistakes even if you dont get it done the first time

try try try and try again. Nothing is impossible.

(haha DORIEN i love you even if i rarely have time to

talk to you online you are always welcomed to hit up

my cell phone you know the number =-] )
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