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LJ name: daisoujou
Other characters currently played [ name :: series :: lj username]: N/A
E-mail: xiadjou@yahoo.com
AIM/messenger: dammittouya
Character: Azure Flame Kite
Abilities: He has a variety of flame based powers as well as several light ray spells, can pull out his weapons, Twin Fangs of the Empty Abyss, out of in-game inventory hammerspace and is powerfully skilled with them, naturally hovers, can temporarily float for a short time, can turn into a bright blue fireball to fly, the power of the Twilight Bracelet [Comprehensive wiki page here: http://dothack.wikia.com/wiki/Twilight_Bracelet], Avatar program [azure_flame_god] ( http://images.wikia.com/dothack/images/2/26/Azureflamegod.jpg ), scanning ability, regeneration coffin
Flaws/weaknesses: Kite’s greatest weakness is simply the fact that he is not a human and can’t interact with them well. His entire ‘vocabulary’ consist of grunts and battle cries, leading to some awkward situations and cases of mistaken identity and the only way he can respond with computers is through ‘hacker-talk’ and coding. This inability to easily conduct a conversation leads to some interesting situations as well as some cases of mistaken identity. Can have his limbs pulled off easily enough. Regeneration process is very slow and no actions can be made from within the regeneration coffin. Azure Flame God mode requires a lot of data and energy to maintain. Can be overzealous in his duties.
Finally, he caught up with Ovan at the Keel Mountains of Briona Gideon. Both of them unleashed their full power, but Ovan was too strong and Kite was forced to flee, spending several weeks healing his wounds. As soon as he returned, he tracked down a player named Midori, who had witnessed the fight, and attempted to kill her. She managed to escape, thus spawning the rumors about the mysterious PK "Tri-Edge" and attracting Haseo's attention. With a tip from Ovan, Haseo encountered Azure Kite at the Hulle Granz Cathedral and fought him. Ovan arrived just as their battle ended, and Haseo was accidentally Data Drained by Kite, who had been aiming at Ovan. Haseo was reduced to level one and his entire computer was reformatted. Kite, on the other hand, couldn't care less about Haseo and carried on with his search for Ovan.
Personality: He was not fully completed, as such, he doesn’t have all that much going personality wise until he’s fixed completely. As Azure Kite was hastily constructed from Aura’s memories of the original Kite, he has several similarities to him, like his steel hard determination and wish to save both worlds. Azure Kite also has a tendency to resort of violence as a solution, should his programming say so. It is extrapolated that should Azure Kite be fully repaired and completed, he will have more traits similar to the original Kite, although he would still have differences due to different experiences. Kite was known for being a kind and loyal friend as well as a bit of a worrier. So, in time, his personality would develop using Kite’s as a main backdrop and his experiences to fill in the holes.
Background setting: [the setting your character came from before PC]
The world Azure Kite form is basically a mirrored Earth, although with several differences and the fact that Azure Kite from the year 2016. The basis of this Earth is the power of the internet.
In the year 2002, the UN makes the World Network Commission, an subgroup designed to tackle the legal problems of world-wide cybercrime, which was on the rise since the 1990’s and the birth of the internet. [Continues in next post]
This brings us to Harold Hoerwick. A genius programmer, he was in love with a poet, Emma Wielant. Emma wrote the legendary epic e-poem, The Epitaph of Twilight, which Harold adored. However, Emma died before they could get married, sending Harold into a depression until he was tapped by CyberConnect Corporation to make a new online game that worked with ALTMIT OS. Harold agree and created Fragment, which was later changed into an MMORPG called [the world]. [the world] was an incredible game, renowned for its deep PC creation process, luscious graphics and overall feel of the game. It was generally accepted to be ‘like a world all its own’. The reason for the creation of this game was for Harold to honor Emma in the only way he could; by combining her artistic vision with his programming prowess to create the daughter they never had, as well as the Ultimate AI. However this process was inhibited by Aura’s caretaker program, Morganna. Morganna had realized that it would cease to exist should Aura be born, leading it to try and keep Aura from becoming whole by forcibly tying Aura’s wake up processes with a depressed PC character. After this ploy failed, Morganna split into eight monster forms in order to hunt down the newly awakened Aura and rewrite her out of existence. This monster programs, known as the Phases from the Epitaph of Twilight, also attacked players, sending people into comas in real life. When his friend was sent into a coma, Kite, armed with the power of Aura and Data Drain, fought back against Morganna and the Phases. Their struggle caused massive irregularities in the network including another mass shutdown of the net, became known as the Pluto Again incident. During this incident, Aura and Morganna fused and Aura became the Ultimate AI, a goddess of the networks.
Over the next three years, the network flourished as well as [the world]. However, on December 24, 2014, Aura vanishes form the network. CC Corp begins to try and revive Aura by using the Eight Phase programs and fusing their ‘minds’ with the correct human counterparts. In an attempted experiment of this theory, however, the Phases rebelled and caused a man to destroy [the world]’s servers, ending the current version of the game. Eventually, on December 24, 2015, [the world release:2] was given out to the general public. Almost immediately, the Phases are drawn to people and a new threat arises. A strange AI called AIDA is detected and begins to slowly begins to destabilize the world as well as send people into comas. Azure Kite and the other Azure Knights are then hastily created to moderate the AIDA damage as well to destroy the AIDA.
Physical description: [pictures are strongly encouraged & welcome] http://images.wikia.com/dothack/images/a/a8/Azurekitefull.jpg & http://images.wikia.com/dothack/images/2/26/Azureflamegod.jpg
The weather was fitting for the battle about to take place. The skies were dark and thunder was rolling throughout the outdoor field area. The AIDA had stopped for some unknown reason and while it should be discovered it was a secondary function at best. Azure Kite had to kill it now while he had the chance. “Haaaaaaaaauuuuuuuurgh….,” growled out the program as it drew its three-pronged weapon, Twin Fangs of the Empty Abyss and snapped the blades to the ready. The AIDA dots combined into one mass and took on the form of a koi fish. Both battlers were ready.
The AIDA, now codenamed a -class, shot multiple beams out of its elongated body at the Azure Knight and the Knight floated out of the way of them. Azure Kite quickly moved in and began to hack and slash at the AIDA with his Fangs as much as he could before the AIDA whipped him away with its tail. Azure Kite then shot several light spells at the fishy AIDA before preparing for his final blow against the AIDA. The Twilight Bracelet came out easily, glowing orange as it charged energy to fire a lethal Data Drain at the AIDA. All was going smoothly enough for the Azure Knight.
However, things took a turn for the worse as the AIDA targeted several players adventuring in the area. Azure Kite quickly tried to intercept the AIDA before it could harm the players, but it was too late. Forcing its way into a PC, the AIDA and the player character merged from a level of computer data all the way up to the human’s own mind. The infected character turned with malice in his eyes. His party members cried out, “Stop it! You’re scaring us! What are you doing?!” but they screamed in futility. The player was being controlled by AIDA, his own passions and hatred run amok within his brain. Azure Kite knew what it had to do. He floated down between the infected player and his party members and pointed his finger, summoning again the Bracelet. Without a hint of remorse or sadness, Kite fulfilled his duty by Data Drain the infected player. The AIDA was successfully destroyed, but the player character itself was destroyed too and furthermore the chance of the human player behind the previously infected character being put into a temporary coma was high. However, Azure Kite did not regret his actions. He had destroyed an AIDA and protected the stability of [the world]. Besides, the human would recover as his protection from becoming truly comatose was not broken.
Ignoring the screams of terrified players, Azure Kite turned back into a fireball and returned to the network’s sea of data, awaiting the time it would have to act once more.
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Designation Azure Kite currently in unknown Root Town outside of [the world's] parameters.
Attempt to contact Aura....failure.
Scanning area....0 PCs detected, 0 AIDA signals. Multiple anomolies detected.
Reviewing primary directives: Protect Aura. Maintain stability of [the world]. Eliminate AIDA. Eliminate Ovan.
Beginning examinination of unknown area to determine threat level to stabilty of [the world].
Located rudimentary network.
Beginning to scan archived information commencing.......
Location verified. Location is currently Root Town City.
Aura, if contact with this message is made, please recall me to the regular parts of the system in order to continue my primaru directives. Programs designated as Azure Balmung and Azure Orca. If contact with this message is made, please locate me and await further orders.
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