Washington, Alaska, Canada

Aug 12, 2007 15:42

I'm finally back from Alaska! It was pretty great. :)

First stop, Seattle. The Pike Market Place, Space Needle, and some shopping. Really good stuff. Stayed at the Grand Hyatt. No wonder Theodore moved to Seattle. It's like the cleaner version of San Francisco.

Moving on. Hopped onto the Norwegian Cruise Ship with my mom's side of the family. Ate a lot. Gained a lot of weight due to what I mentioned in the previous sentence. Took Pilates with Priscilla. It was so fun! And the fitness instructor was really cool, and from Australia. But that doesn't really matter because it's all about New Zealand anyway. :) What else......(?) We all kareoked one night, which was ear-opening. Every day we stayed up till 3-5 a.m. just talking. Cousin chats are really interesting now-a-days. Family drama is very aggravating. Sean gambled and lost more than he won. Theodore made it clear to us that honesty was his best policy. Olivia spent the most part of this trip trying to cover up her pimple in front of the camera. Ting-Ting ignored us half the time and laughed at us the other half. Also, the view from deck 13 is so magnificent!

On land, I hiked, accidentally pushed Priscilla into a lake, shopped for souveniors, lost playing balance games, almost won playing Monopoly, and pretty much threw up some disgusting sushi.

There's a lot more to say but I have not the time! Haha.
But may I interest you in a few pictures? :)

The world's best coffee! (According to Seattle)

Salute Seattle? Hahaha, I honestly don't know.

Olivia and Sean reminiscing..... (Demetri Martin, anyone? Aahhhahah!)

The wall of millions of gum

Olivia being shoved into the wall of millions of gum :)


This is why they call them skyscrapers

The five of us minus my dad

Seattle (Kind of bad quality picture, sorry)

Dry ice and cold water



Because nature rules!!


So beautiful!

Sisterly loveeeee

Dinner (before)

Dinner (after)

A morning in Skagway, Alaska!

The cruise ship

A hell of a copter! :)

Aw, PoPo and MaMa

The lake I ACCIDENTALLY pushed Priscilla into :)

Say hello to Vicky's new best friend

Aw, everything in Canada is so cute!

More of 'em Canadian lights!


Look very closely. You'll come to realize that this boy's eye isn't a full circle! Thanks to the sun.

This is how you have fun on an 8-day cruise

Look how red her face is.... :)

View from the airplane. Not bad, not bad. :)

Welcome to back to Los Angeles!

I miss it already.
For a few more pictures, www.flickr.com/photos/rosanaliang
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