Apparently, a protest starring Lt. Dan Choi and Kathy Griffin got out of hand when he led a group off to protest outside the White House.
Lt. Choi chained himself to the fence and was subsequently arrested.
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hereI must admit, I get this guy's frustration. If I were working somewhere and was (legally) fired for being gay (as in
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Comments 3
I'm lucky that I don't believe my calling is to be a member of the military, because it means I don't have to hide, I can't be fired for what I am, but it still makes me angry to hear about these brave men and women who love their country and its military and are denied the opportunity to serve ( ... )
If he were a civilian protesting DADT and he chained himself to the White House I'd say, right on. But anyone who hates DADT can do that. What makes Lt. Choi different, and he himself has stated this over and over in interviews, is that he is needed on the battlefield, which in fact is where he was slated to be with his own direct commander's sanction. Getting out there, interacting with foreign nationals in their native tongues, and saving lives in uniform, all the while having the hots for dudes-that is to say, defying DADT in what I consider to be the most direct method possible-is what Dan Choi does best. He's not fighting for the right to chain himself to the White House; he's fighting for the right to fight while gay, and last I checked he was, regardless of DADT, still a lieutenant, still servingLt. Choi does have to adhere to lieutenant behavior because he is fighting precisely for his right, and every other gay's in America, to behave ( ... )
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