May 19, 2004 21:33
Dear War
The two soldiers were resolute....
In cahoots with their former lovers....
Then gritty sounds of cement started to crumble as they kneeled behind the barrier of Remorse.
Burning Steel drove into the concrete yelling death.
A small fire orb leaped into the street as the two bodies dived into a barrier
Blood ran down the street and pooled at their tired feet, all was quiet as the shell flattened their world
The block echoed with zero return and stray light ran through the smoke at break neck speeds
Tank treads broke and leather straps stretched to find a way out of the cinders
And the ringing in their ears only stopped to reload
Spinning silver sprayed into the warrior’s neck....
Finding resolution in the veins of wives.... and brave small children.
With our former address.... the torture flayed the two soldiers back to their wombs....
The sheathed men than ran for cover, underneath rusted metal and rubber.
The sounds clicking and screaming ran through their sacred holidays...
The streets that day were the color of red and black
I think we've killed us all said a husband to a brother
Who nodded in agreement but could not speak another word
An abandoned and angry rifle lay in pieces and the shadow of a hundred steel planes darkened the city
The sky turned red and the streets burnt in crackling rebellion against the hopes and wishes
Of every child that stood in the tree lines
The two ranks of men brushed off the dirt from their pants and Armour.
The holes of protection were than filled with mud.
Is it a prison my camarilla... This war, this air we feed upon.
From the silver to the shrapnel in our necks. I beg for you...
The two soldiers, the Husband, The Son, Then Sheathed men, The iron Orbs of flames, and the Concrete walls....
We all beg for you...
For that eternal place, outside the current lodgings you reside in..
With this letter, watch for the barrels, watch for the noise.... this is for our protection
and your sanity.
The Vermillion colored Streets, outside your front lawn.