(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 17:16

On the whole, I feel rather guilty about playing an April Fools joke about London being attacked by terrorists now that it's happened. I thought Mark was trying to get me back when he called at about 10am to tell me what had happened. I vowed to hunt him down if he was lying, and alas, he was not.

There's nothing more that can be said other than that history will judge both sides as monsters. That's a hell of a legacy to leave behind. It's hard to believe that in all of our lifetimes, the threat of terrorism will never subside owing to a puzzling lust for death and destruction against certain cultures.

It's easy for people to take the philosophical stance and ask "Why?" in relation to the event and the bigger picture. It's strange to think that so many people of the same species are willing to kill each other over something so trivial. We may never truly understand the motives of those gone and those to come, but our premise in life is to ask "Why?". It's the most natural thing to do.

It's terrible, but it's not enough to blindly hate. I can foresee a lot of misguided anti-Islamic sentiment flying around, but tarring people with the same brush is what led us here in the first place. The majority of Middle Eastern people are no more evil than the majority of European or American people, we just have a badly directed and over-zealous right wing media keen to seize on those without knowledge.

I guess the only thing to do is to just live your life and hope it doesn't end in a shower of fire.

The final word is: Evolution sucks.

On the more personal side of things, I am still sans job. Lord knows I have tried. OH, HOW I HAVE TRIED! But I am not wanted by employers it seems. I tried to sign on for a week or two, get a little financial assistance but they fobbed me off. Even though I am off until late September, I am still counted as a full time student and as such cannot receive money from Uncle Blair. Fuck that, I've paid my taxes on my old jobs, I've contributed and I'm the one getting a further education yet they have the nerve to deny me a couple of hundred pounds. I made sure my feelings were known (the job centre is a great place to cause a scene). I asked them would it be better if I dropped out of University, wore a tracksuit and took up alcoholism would they consider letting me sign on? Funnily enough they had no answer. They'd sooner cough up the cash to people who don't deserve it and by all rights should be sent to some salt mine in Siberia than to someone who actually needs it and is WILLING TO WORK. Maybe that's a strange thing to comprehend for someone from Liverpool, I told them. I should become a full time diva.

As well as this, my mind is all over the place. It is a teeming hive of activity and I'm starting to get my migraines again. I'm like the guy out of "Pi" with that big throbbing vein in his head. I don't think I'll drill through my skull like him just yet though.

I've really had enough of being back in Liverpool. I long to leave again.
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