Nov 27, 2007 21:29
Today was not a good day for an introvert. I had been feeling like I needed to stay away from people, but tonight was a weekly pot luck/movie night and the movie looked pretty interesting. We went last week and I found the people & movie interesting (but, it still took energy just to be there). I decided that I would go, and made something I thought people would find interesting.
As we were walking up to the house, one of the people who lives there was outside & told us in no uncertain terms that we were not welcome, that we should not have been invited last week, and that we should just go home. At first we thought that he was joking, since we had received email yesterday with the details from the person who organizes the event. He said that was a mistake, and that since she doesn't live in the house and wasn't going to be attending that night, that he basically didn't care what she had said.
Mark & I were stunned. We turned around and left, feeling horrible.
When we got home, Mark emailed the organizer, and she responded that she didn't know why that guy would have done that, and that she would check into things when she was able (she is flying out early tomorrow morning, which is why she wasn't going to be at the movie night).
While I feel slightly better about humanity based on her response, I'm totally blown away by the actions of the one guy. He seemed to go out of his way to be hurtful towards us with his tone and words.
This was especially hard for me to deal with, as making the effort to go out to join a group really is an effort for me, and not something I do lightly.
I think that I'm going to crawl inside my shell & stay there for a few days.