Aug 15, 2005 00:57
yeah so my life pretty much sucks right now....
I'm being selfish and only thinking about my problems and leaving others behind.
I'm moving out b/c all i want to do is be alone (more than what I already am) and just rott
I've pretty much lost all contact with everyone in SD, specially all the ones that said would write and call and stuff...
I'm straight out pissed off at everyone, when really i just want to cry and think everything s my fault.
I have no family nor kitty is all I have, and to be honest I'm thankfull.
i'm tired of the fakeness of people, and how everyone just gives themselves the authority to gudge you, and cause chaos in your life.
Tomorrow i'm going to look at a studio so i can leave asap.
All my dreams turned to shit when I got to this hellhole.