Title: Last Minute
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG
Words: 312.
Note: Written for dugindeep's Post-Secret commentfic meme. Prompt was I fantasize about him showing up to stop my wedding just so I can say "You're Too Late". Uh.... this didn't end up following the prompt at all.
Summary: In which there is a wedding but not, and a hopefully happy ending.
It's not a small wedding, there's at least a hundred guests watching them, but the room still goes dead quiet when Jensen mumbles, "Fuck," under his breath, and then says louder, "Yeah."
Genevieve looks horrified and angry, but Jared turns around, eyes wide. "Jensen?"
Jensen closes his eyes briefly. When he opens them, Jared is staring at him, expression softening. "God, I love you," he breathes, because this is his last chance to say it. "Don't do this, Jared. I can't watch you do this, not when-" He shakes his head, forces a laugh. "Not when we could have this. I was the biggest idiot on the planet to break it off, and I haven't stopped regretting it since."
"You didn't think to mention this sooner??" Genevieve's voice raises in pitch as she steps around Jared to point at him accusingly.
"I'm sorry," Jensen says, because he is, he's truly sorry. He knows lots of people won't be happy with him after this.
Jared keeps staring at him, ignoring Genevieve, and says quietly, "You have terrible timing."
"I know."
Still he waits, praying desperately that Jared still feels it, that he won't give up on them.
"We're... We're it," Jared whispers, like it's just them in the entire church, and Genevieve bursts into tears.
"How COULD you, Jared?" She yells angrily, and slaps him across one cheek.
"God, Genevieve, I-" But she's already running back down the aisle, three bridesmaids following.
The sanctuary is a mix of quiet murmurs. Jensen swallows. "I'm sorry," he says again, not looking Jared in the eye. "I fucked it up, and I'm sorry." Then he finally meets Jared's eyes. "But you're worth it, every single bit."
And it hurts to think of what the aftermath of this is going to be, but knowing Jared will be by his side makes him confident that they'll make it.