Interest Graphics - Requests

Jul 23, 2006 10:36

Interest Graphics

  • Comment on this entry and I'll select one of your interests at random. You can comment with a list of your current interests, or I'll simply select one from your User Info page.
  • When commenting, please indicate if you would like three [3] icons, a banner, or a wallpaper. Feel free to specify if there's a particular size you'd like the banner or wallpaper to be if that is your choice.
  • If you want a non-shareable version of your graphic, please say so. Otherwise, all graphics will be shareable.

  • I need inspiration and I think this'll help, so comment away!

    Okay, I have more than enough to work with for now. If you haven't commented but really want something, try your luck and I may allow it.


    misc: requests, maker: regen

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