Apr 29, 2003 13:55
Leo: Difficult days come on April 3 and 4, 17 and 18, and 23 and 24. Also April 30. Don’t confront others or tell them exactly what you feel. Be careful about being too frank. Be careful about overspending. You may feel overconfident on April 5, 10, 16, 20, and 27. Be cautious. The moon is in your sun sign on April 10 through 12, and you may be WAY more blunt than you should be. Practice what you’re going to say, and bear in mind that all this month you could have the open-mouth-insert-foot problem. Which is just the stars, frankly. "
During the first week of April, Jupiter, planet of abundance and opportunity, starts to move forward again through your sign. After a few months of go-slow when life hasn't moved at quite the pace you'd like, you can now feel as though you are getting somewhere. Use this lucky time to push forward with ambitions and opportunities, and watch for a past love who may want to return! Romantically, you could be led a merry dance but at the moment commitment is the last thing you need. Creative pursuits are well starred too.