Game Ads

May 05, 2012 19:00


» put an ad up with the characters / crew / pairings / fetish you want for your game. yes, this means LJ, DW, and IJ games. deal with it.

» ABSOLUTELY NO obnoxious coding (font size > 4, no banners, no blinking text, no sparklies, no tables, no pictures). use all the colors you like and then some, but please remember 4 "big" ( Read more... )

!game ads

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Luministi (on Dreamwidth) - Apps/Reserves open! luministimods May 5 2012, 23:06:07 UTC
❧ Welcome to Luministi ❧

Luministi is a panfandom sci-fi seasonal roleplay that will take place over a four-month period running from May 19th to about September 29th/October 13th. It is based around the mystery of the town and will involve a variety of situations for characters to overcome, events to work through, and puzzles to solve. A community-based game on Dreamwidth, Luministi runs in real-time and its events and outcome will be, in part, determined by the actions taken by the characters in it.

Throughout the run of Luministi, characters are trapped in the town and will be subjected to the whims of the many events that occur there. When those four months end, the ultimate outcome for the residents is up to you. Only you, together with the other residents, can find a way out of Luministi and back home. It's happened once before...

Are you up for the challenge of solving the mystery of Luministi?


Reserves and Applications are open! The game reopens for its final season May 19th!

Fandoms in-game so far include: Ar Tonelico II, Doctor Who, Kingdom Hearts, Magic Knight Rayearth, Red vs Blue, Seiken Densetsu 3 and others! We're eager to see anyone join us!

Plots are bi-weekly and backtagging is highly encouraged! For the past two seasons worth of storylines, click on "plot" below!

RulesPremiseTown FeaturesTakenReservesApplicationFAQsPlot Summary
Mod JournalMainLogsOOC


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