Hey, everyone. Got a few things for you today.
LJ Changes
Layouts suck now. I've already put up an alternative for now and I'll keep looking into what will look best for everyone. For now, we'll make do with this one. If anyone has nicer layouts or suggestions, feel free to comment here and let me know! I'm open to any and all alternatives to make the meme look easier.
Next ATP
Well. ATP should be going up on the 7th of January. There are, however, two issues with this. One, I know people might want it sooner. Secondly, if I make it sooner, it'll be on the 31st...which is New Year's Eve. Most of you lovely folks will be out partying and that's not the best idea in the world.
I'm going to suggest we keep it until the 7th. Why? Because a lot of games are unsure of whether or not they're moving to Dreamwidth yet and the meme itself might get confusing if people are posting ads and going "Well, we might move, we might not." It will give people an extra week to figure out what's going on.
HOWEVER...in the interest of pleasing you fine people, I'm going to put a poll up this week on Tuesday or Wednesday asking for your opinion. Majority wins, as always.
As of right now, ATP is not going to move. That's because there will always be games on LJ and it's not fair for those staying on LJ not to give them something. I do, however, already have an
ATP account on DW. Barring complications, I'd like to use it to advertise for LJ to DW transitioning games and any games already open on DW. A time will be figured out for it to go up because it's a little difficult to update two memes at once and try to run them simultaneously. I'm going to look into doing that, though, so just give me a few days to pretty up the journal and make it workable.
That's it for now. Have a safe and happy holiday if you celebrate, try to be nice to each other for a few days, and I'll have that poll up soon.
Questions, comments, concerns? Talk to me here. I'll be gone for most of today and part of tomorrow, but I'll get back to you all as soon as I can. Promise.