» comment with the characters / crew / pairings / fetish you want for your game. There's a form below, if you need!
» comment with the characters you'd wanna force down the metaphorical throat of some game out there.
» no obnoxious coding (font size > 4, banners, blinking text, sparklies, rp ad tables, pictures). Colors are good to go, and please remember that font size=4 is smaller than four big html tags, so keep to the former!
» do your best to match your suggestions to people's requests, okay? No fun having them waste their time and look over a game whose type you're aware they dun wanna play in.
» if you spot trouble I've missed, lemme know
HERE, please!.
The textarea that texted textlessly:
[character / crew requested / offered]:[fandom, fool]:[rp you're offering for / rp type you'd wanna play in]:[preferences]: