
Feb 06, 2011 00:00


» put an ad up with the characters / crew / pairings / fetish you want for your game. There's a form below, if you can't think of anything! Use it!

» comment with the characters you wanna shove somewhere.

» NO to obnoxious coding (font size > 4, no banners, no blinking text, no sparklies, no tables, no pictures). Use all ( Read more... )

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Comments 4979

tsunayoshi February 6 2011, 05:00:11 UTC
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! at SOUL CAMPAIGN
Do you like playing mafioso that are literally flaming? Want to help build up a cast FULL OF THEM in a medium pace, plot-heavy jam jar game? Then joining the Katekyo Hitman Reborn cast could be the right life decision for YOU! Right now we have Enma, Belphegor, Gokudera, Chrome, and Mukuro, and Tsuna, Rasiel, and Byakuran are on reserve.

We'd love to see:

⊕ The rest of the Vongola Guardians, AND PRIMOS!
⊕ Shimon Family members
⊕ The Varia
⊕ Spanner, Shouichi, and the rest of the mixed box of TYL arc characters

Soul Campaign is a medium-paced, plot-heavy jam jar set in the Soul Eater universe. Taken from their worlds by the demon artifact BREW, characters assume the roles of Meisters or Weapons in order to aid Shibusen in their fight against the Witches. Applications are open until February 17, and are reviewed from February 18 to 25, and the next application round begins in April. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of our current muns! ( ... )


/shot for this, lmfao. suchselfishness February 6 2011, 06:48:44 UTC


neverbeenworse February 6 2011, 06:53:21 UTC



suchselfishness February 6 2011, 06:54:16 UTC
I may have swooned a bit at the very idea of it. ;A;


Geass, DCAU, Claymore at Paradisa emit February 6 2011, 05:00:16 UTC

Code Geass
Have: Kallen, Gino, Nunnally
Want: Lelouch, Suzaku, Milly
Paid time will be given!

Justice League: Unlimited
Have: Shayera Hol, Batman/Bruce Wayne
Reserved: Wonder Woman
Want: Wally West!, John Stewart!, Anyone!
Paid time + icons!

Have: Teresa, Miria, Riful
Want: Dauf, the Seven Ghosts
Paid timeeeee

✌ Magic Castle Jamjar
✌ Lose something important upon arrival
✌ Comm based
✌ Medium-Fast speed
✌ Two post per month AC
✌ Overarching world plot

Questions, comments, cookies? Comment here or PM me. :D


NEW GAMES app_this_plz February 6 2011, 05:00:17 UTC
Comment here if your game is brand new, opening soon, or is less than 3 months old. Games that have previously closed and are re-opening are welcome to post too!


MEDIUS TERRA: A PANFANDOM, COMMUNITY-BASED RPG! medius_absurdum February 6 2011, 05:00:46 UTC
♠ a happy medium.
    A thing often very difficult to find, but you have been chosen to help this world find it.

    The rustling of sheets, the warm, welcoming crackle of a nearby stove--they rouse you to consciousness. A small girl clad in white temporarily blocks the glow of the fire. Her lips form words--words you strain to hear as though listening through a fog.

    You blink, opening your eyes a second time. The girl has disappeared, and so have the fire and warmth. It was just a dream you will only vaguely remember.
    Your reality is now a bleak room in a creaking edifice on a winding street in an unknown--and very strange--city, populated by seemingly normal inhabitants. You are given a single black, skeleton key, a book with blank pages, a strange device, a set of clothes--

    --and a choice.

    No matter what you choose, balance is the key to survival here. How you choose to live will dictate the path of the world itself, because there is much more to discover ( ... )


QUEEN OF HEARTS rosestolilies February 6 2011, 05:01:00 UTC
"How do you like the Queen?" said the Cat in a low voice.

"Not at all," said Alice: "she's so extremely--" Just then she noticed that the Queen was close behind her, listening: so she went on, "--likely to win, that it's hardly worth while finishing the game."

The Queen smiled and passed on.

Welcome to queenofheartsrp, a panfandom roleplaying game dedicated to girls' love, worldbuilding, and action. We like surreal things, pretty things, funny things, romantic things, all kinds of things: come join us and add your own. Queen of Hearts is a game restricted to female characters only, although genderswapped versions of male characters may also be applied for. It's designed to encourage female/female relationships of all kinds, especially romantic ones, while leaving plenty of room for other roleplay, especially exploration and alteration of the new world in which characters find themselves in.

Taken charactersReservesApplicationsPremiseRulesFAQ


pomp1774 trykstergod February 6 2011, 05:01:09 UTC

POMP 1774
(Chateau de Versailles)


…to a world where meals are always six courses, you practically walk on petals, patches are all the rage, fans hide quiet smirks, the skirts are too wide and the wigs are most certainly too tall. You wake up in a room that is lavishly furnished, the sun shines in through the window softly and in the distance you can hear the quiet tweeting of birds and the faint playing of music. Welcome to the year 1774, the Chateau de Versailles…a palace among palaces. You don’t know how you got here, but isn’t that always the case? You also don’t know your purpose and figures that no one else seems to know either. Your only clues are the set of clothing laid out on the chair near the door, a small out of place electronic note book (better keep that hidden from the natives if you see any), and a letter written by hand;

Dear Honored Guest,Welcome to my illustrious court at Versailles. We have called you to court to escape the rabbles and ick that pollutes our dear Paris Court, and instead invite you ( ... )


Kannagara | hahaha whoops wrong account heartbetween February 6 2011, 05:00:18 UTC
Kannagara is a panfandom game set in the ancient, mystical realm of the Shinto gods, where dreams and gods collide. Your character will have the ability to not only experience the dreams of other characters, but can also experience their worlds ( ... )


FMA @ Kannagara equivalentfaith February 6 2011, 05:23:06 UTC
Full Metal Alchemist @ Kannagara

Taken:❖ Edward Elric (Note: Ed is from the first animeverse)

Wanted:☣ Alphonse Elric
☣ Hohenheim
☣ Jean Havoc
☣ Maes Hughes
☣ Nina Tucker
☣ Other military members
☣ Trisha Elric
☣ The Homunculus
☣ Winry Rockbell


HEROES @ KANNAGARA ad_salvatio February 6 2011, 05:25:09 UTC

The Heroes cast at Kannagara is a small but growing cast! We are really open to plots of all kinds and we're a rather laid-back bunch, hoping to find other Heroes types so we can save the world!

Recently, Isaac painted the future, predicting Kannagara's Fourth Wall event which just passed -- as well as Claire's arrival. Peter, who is currently suffering from amnesia, has been in Kannagara the longest out of the three, and has been trying to find a way home. When he isn't doing that, he's busy trying to free all the slaves and save this world with some guys from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! While accidentally power-sponging. Hopefully he won't explode again.

Peter and Claire are both from Season 2, while Isaac is from his death point in Season 1.

Taken:♦ Claire Bennet
♦ Issac Mendez
♦ Peter Petrelli

Wanted:❧ Adam Monroe
❧ Angela Petrelli
❧ Elle Bishop
❧ Hiro Nakamura
❧ Matt Parkman
❧ Mohinder Suresh
❧ Niki/Jessica Sanders
❧ Noah Bennet
❧ Sylar


Game Site | kannagara_rpg | kannagara_net | kannagara_mb | Taken | Reserves | Application

SAVE THE ( ... )


Kannagara ★ Code Geass volitient February 6 2011, 05:28:01 UTC

Currently, the cast is not doing anything plot-heavy, and we all have various canon points! Both Suzaku and C.C. are post-series, while Lelouch is still near the start of R2. But we encourage any character, any canon point, and for all kinds of character development and backstory!

Taken:★ C.C.
★ Lelouch vi Britannia
★ Suzaku Kururugi
☆ Anya Alstreim
☆ Euphemia li Britannia
☆ Gino Weinberg
☆ Kallen Kōzuki
☆ Mao
☆ Milly Ashford
☆ Rivalz Cardemonde
☆ Shirley Fenette

☆ Any other Knights of the Round.
☆ Anyone else from Ashford Academy.
☆ Members of the Imperial Family or Army.
☆ Any other major or minor characters!


Game Site | kannagara_rpg | kannagara_net | kannagara_mb | Taken | Reserves | Application


Underworld Wars godsoftartarus February 6 2011, 05:00:22 UTC

Dining in hell never looked so appetizing.You were asleep, or at least you think you were. As you open your eyes you notice that you're no longer in the place you fell asleep, but rather inside of what appears to be a small ferry going down a river. The ferry lands at its destination and a cloaked figure reaches out with a skeletal hand, taking you out of the ferry and leaving you on the dock. He disappears just as soon as you're off his ferry ( ... )


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