» post with the characters / crew / pairings / fetish you want for your game. There's a form below, if you can't think of anything!
» comment with the characters you wanna shove somewhere, and see who bites!
» JUST SAY NO to obnoxious coding (font size > 4, banners, blinking text, sparklies, rp ad tables, pictures). Use all the colours you like and then some, and please remember 4 "big" tags > font size 4.
» if you're recommending a game to someone, match your suggestion to their needs, okay? If you notice srs tiemz repeat-offenders, poke me.
» if there's any trouble, tell me
HERE, please!
Textarea, For Your Needs:
[character / crew requested / offered]:[fandom, fool]:[rp you're offering for / rp type you'd wanna play in]:[preferences]: New Games Comment
Here Apologies for not getting that up sooner, guys.
I'll try to work on a directory by fandom name, but I can't make any good guarantees, okay? Give me a while and it'll go up, folks.
appwall has been kind enough to do the directory for us! Go check out their journal for all the info. They've put so much work into this and I would like to thank them.
Current Page For Wanted: 9 of 19
Current Page For Offers: 6 of 19