Dec 28, 2004 11:55
...I'm still alive - sorry for no art, no comments, nothing...
but I feel so exhausted these days, RL is a real bitch. I have no time for drawing at all. The last days I want to be somewhere else...
And the most depressing thing is christmas time...because 1999 on christmas day (!!!) my best friend Jessica died, age 21. It was the horriblest christmas ever and since then I can't be happy between christmas and new year. She was the best whatever happened to me and a year before her death we had bad arguments and 5 days before her death we saw each other again and wanted to "make peace" (she lived far away from me, so we couldn't see each other and the letters didn't make it right...) - but before we could discuss everything, she died.
I miss her so much.
Sorry for RL-stuff...but I hope some of you won't forget me and don't think I'm a lazy or ignoring person....
I read my friend's entries as often as I can and I think of all of you!!
Huge, huge hugs!!!!