I'll make this quick.
- Stay through the (very long) credits, or at least don't leave any longer than it takes to urinate. There's an anticlimactic "surprise" scene at the end of the credits. I'm sure you'll guess what's going on before anything happens. Still, watch it.
- The movie is kinda fluff. I'm not surprised. The previous two weren't exactly art, either. They were fun. So is this one. Don't be disappointed because it's not art.
- Kelsey Grammar is much better as Beast than most people expected. I chose to reserve judgment, with a fair bit of trepidation, and I'm glad I did. He wasn't bad.
- The burninator's fire-starting tools are neat. Don't blink, or you'll miss the explanation bit for him starting fire later.
- As Roo mentioned to me, there's a bit of 90210 in the story of this one. It's not as bad as I expected from her dire warnings, though.
- If you didn't complain about continuity, plotline, timeline, characterization, and so on in the last two movies, ever since the COMPLETELY HOSED UP introduction and unrecognizable modification of the Rogue character, you BETTER NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT ANY OF THAT IN MY HEARING WITH REGARDS TO THIS MOVIE. Well, you may if you like, but if so: