Jun 23, 2011 11:05
I know this community isn't really active any more, but people on here have been really helpful in the past, so I though it was worth a try posting!
An old friend of mine has just has treatment for skin cancer on her leg. The treatment appears to have been successful and after chemotherapy there are no cancer cells left, but she got an infection in the wound left after the cancerous growth went. The infection also appears to have been cured with antibiotics, but she now has an ulcer. We are in England, so all this has been done on the NHS.
Does anyone have any suggestions for treating this ulcer? She has pressure bandages and the dressings are being changed daily by a nurse. I have suggested she inquire about honey dressings with her nurse and start taking echinacea as a general tonic, but does anyone else have any ideas that might help her?
She is 70+, fairly active, and very worried about her leg!