Aug 29, 2004 22:18
well, back to city life after a week on the island and a couple of days camping in the wild. all in all, a good time cause i got to spend some quality time with eric, besides the rain...and snakes...and public bathrooms, everything else was alright.
anyway, i got home and was suprised to see a pair of roxy boardshorts waiting for me in my room :D it was a pair similar to the one that i posted on the last entry too. (next time sharon, im going to post a pic of a 24K diamond ring, so save up) Was even more thrilled to find out that it was from Sharon all the way in HK :) aww..sharon, that was really kind and thoughtful of you^^ that's why i got you the "sweets for the sweets"^^ the shorts fits fine and i really appreciate the thought *touched*
as for the astroboy bag and the little stuffie keychain thing, they are so wonderfully astroboyishly cute too <3 thanks kat e and Sarah ee <3 but..i wonder who told you guys that I like Astroboy, my mind tells me that it's probably Sharon, or 3e, but i'm leaning to sharon. so was it you?
eric said thanks to both kat e and sarah ee for the very nigged out ballah outfit :D they fit him fine and he looks blue^^
anyway, it was a nice surprise to come home to :D those of you in hk, take care and thanks again, as for martin, come back in one piece and don't get into any trouble, eric and I await our souvenirs :D!
<3*huggs to all*