Title: New father
apostrophe_essDisclaimer: Everything belongs to JKR, I merely gain from playing these games in her playground.
Pairing/Character: MWPP
Word Count: 799
Rating: G
Prompt: For
potterverse100, number 76 - Harry. Prompt table
here. Chronological list
Summary: Last night Lily had their baby, today James can tell his friends. Musch silliness ensues.
Author's notes: Another one I need to offer in apology to those people I've owed replies to for days. I am so sorry. June is a really hard month work wise, I'll be back to my usual diligent self in a couple of weeks. Also as I'm a lousy friend I missed a birthday or two, please can this say Happy Birthday in at least a temporary way for now?
New father
“A boy - Harry,” Remus repeated. “You wanted a girl, didn’t you?”
James shook his head, his big grin not going anywhere. He doubted it had even slipped when he was sleeping the few hours he had between Harry being born and him telling the lads. “No.”
“I thought it was Lily who wanted the boy,” Peter piped up, looking at James for confirmation.
“Neither of us minded,” James replied.
“But, she said -“
“Neither of them minded, Wormtail,” Sirius cut in. “So what was it like?”
“What was what like?” James replied.
“You know, Lil sprogging. Did she scream and yell and swear at you, calling you all the names under the sun as the baby ripped her into two and -“
“Sirius. Really.” Remus looked decidedly pale at the thought.
“No, it wasn’t like that. And Lil was amazing, so in control.”
Remus looked at James and wondered if the fact that today was the first of August and their baby had been born just before midnight the day before had sunk in. The baby, who James had said was to be called Harry, was born as the prophecy had foretold - as the seventh month died.
“But what was it like?
James picked up his pint and looked around the Leaky Cauldron before he continued, his voice dropped to a quiet tone. “Seriously, it was incredible. It was really hard work for Lily, and it was painful.”
“Go on,” Sirius prompted.
“Yes, go on,” Peter added.
Remus looked from one to the other. He was glad that Lily and the baby were okay, of course he was, and he could understand why James wanted to talk about it. Didn’t James always want to talk about anything that happened that was good? Like he’d gone on for hours when Lily had finally agreed to go on a date with him, told them over and over how magic she was when they first kissed, and then when he was building up to asking her to marry him they’d not heard about anything else for days. Talking about his son would be only natural.
“It took a few hours of Lil having contractions before they said she could push him out,” James began. “And then it took a few pushes before you could see anything.”
“Go on,” Peter encouraged.
“Then the mediwitch called me to come and see.”
“Yeah?” Sirius asked.
“I saw a little bit of Harry’s head just showing through ..” James hesitated to think of what word he was going to use. It wasn’t something he normally had to name and the proper medical word didn’t seem right, and the terms they might have used years before at school seemed childish. “ …her …”
“I think we get that, Prongs,” Remus suggested. Peter sniggered a little bit and Sirius seemed to be holding back a childish giggle of his own.
“And the bit got bigger and bigger till his whole head came out.”
“Just his head?” Peter asked.
“To start with.”
“For how long?” Sirius asked.
“I don’t know a minute or a bit less. Not long.”
“So Lil was laying there, on the bed, with a head sticking out of her …” Sirius couldn’t bring himself to use a term either; he gesticulated.
“For a minute, or less. And then the whole of him slipped out and he was born.”
“Is Lily okay?” Remus asked, not wanting to join in with the silliness that seemed to be building between the other two.
“She’s fine. And Harry’s fine. She’s got to stay in bed for the rest of today and if Harry keeps breastfeeding well -“ he stopped. “Sorry, did I just say something funny?”
“No James, I think the sun has got to certain of our friends,” Remus replied, looking at them and wondering just what they were up to.
“You don’t mind sharing then?” Sirius asked.
James rolled his eyes. “Will you lot grow up?”
“You’re getting boring mate, now you’re a responsible father,” Sirius replied and then joined in the enthusiastic grinning that James was doing. “When do we get to see him?”
“Tomorrow if you promise to behave,” James said, finishing his pint and standing. “You can come around for half an hour at three. Remus, if you like you can arrive at two and stay for tea. I’m cooking. But for now, I’m off to Mungo’s.”
Peter and Sirius had worried James would be depressed, what with the date and everything. They looked at Remus as the obviously very proud new father left them, out into Diagon Alley to Apparate to the hospital. The three of them nodded. It would come, James would realise, and then he’d really need them to be silly. They’d not wasted it today, it was practice.