It must be plan V by now.

Aug 23, 2006 20:27

Okay so I have totally almost made the final decision that I will not be moving to Vegas. All the advice that I have gotten has been along the lines of, "Do what you need to do." Almost every time I hear that I can almost hear an unspoken echo of, "but we need you here." Which is just as well.

I am not a salesman. I never planned on being one. I am not sure if I could pull it off right now. To do sales you need confidence. I have none well as pride and dignity.

Well now maybe I will be able to get a solid night's sleep. Probably not but hey that's why they're called "goals".

On with the struggle:

Today was busy on the job front. I had an interview through a contact of my sister. It was a small manufacturing outfit. They could use me but they literally had no room for me. As I was in the office talking with the owner and second in command I kept on inadvertantly elbowing the kid diong the CAD work. We all seemed to hit it off rather well though, aside from the kid. These guys are doing business with China. So we chatted for a while about that. It really never ceases to be a fascinating subject.

The boss was telling me about watching workers trim the shrubs along a highway while traffic avoided them without and cones or such to mark of the work zone. I told hmim that I believed him. Stating that China is of the belief that they know that have 1.3 billion people. So they feel they can lose a few.

It all went well but the guys had no idea really where to fit me in. So it all ended with smiles and handshakes.

"Call me when you need me," I said as I left.

I hope I can still get enrolled at Oakland. I could put that on a credit card and find some bullshit job while I go to school, again.

A major fiasco:

Channel four advertised a job fair for a Tier 1 auto supplier. They were a French company and gave no details about what jobs were offered. Here in Michigan that is asking for trouble. The fair started at 2:00pm. At that time people were already lined up out the door. The company grossly underestimated the amount of unemployed that this would attract. A few were let in for intervies and the rest were kept out, without really any explaination. This nearly started a riot. The riot was quelled when applications were distributed to the waiting crowd.

I arrived about 2:15. No one was really being allowed in the building. I was handed an application and used the ever handy, "Is there a bathroom in there." After I used the bathroom I filled out my application in the comfort of air conditioning.

The line for interviews wrapped inside the building out of sight and then back into sight. About 90% of the people there were line workers. There are plenty unemployed line workers in the area from all of the Big Three. I finshed the app. put my resume inside and gave it back to the woman who had taken a new, much better position to block the door.

Man does my typing suck.

So to end this I will quote a moive that is gowing on me, "Out Cold." The best incarnation of "Casablanca" that I have seen set on a ski resort in Alaska.

"I was around to witness a little thing called, 'The Eighties.' Ford was president; Nixon was in the White House; and FDR was running this country into the GROUND!"

It makes me chuckle a little every time I remember it.
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