Dear Friends & Family,
Well, it’s that time of the year again… the time where I get out my old comfy sneakers and walk with thousands of my fellow Angelenos in the Los Angeles AIDS Walk on October 15, 2006.
Many of you sponsored me last year and helped me to exceed my goal of $500. For that, I am very grateful.
Last year I wrote about how my public blog ( was becoming a success and how I was a Dear Abbey of sorts. While I haven’t been publishing my blog as often as I should, it is still going strong and I get frequent emails from people either asking questions or just saying “thank you” for writing. It’s been a very rewarding experience.
Since last year, I have joined up with Hope’s Voice (, a National Speakers Bureau and have started speaking around the country. This past year alone I have spoken at such places as Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Ithaca College, Clark College, Williams University, Trojan Condoms, amfAR, and Crossroads Highschool in Santa Monica just to name a few. Most of those schools I spoke at with Hope’s Voice in the week and a half I was on the Road to Hope tour - a tour that travels the country bringing HIV/AIDS education to college students nationwide. I can tell you that spending a week and a half on a 37’ RV with anywhere from 5-8 other people really helps you to appreciate the little things in life.
Also with Hope’s Voice, I showed some skin in the July issue of POZ magazine and recently helped launch the “Does HIV Look Like Me?” ad campaign ( Please check out the sites, or ask me and I’ll be happy to give you more information.
In closing I would like to ask for your support again this year as I walk the walk. If you are local and would like to walk with me, I encourage you to join our team by visiting the following link: or seeing me for a registration card. If you would like to sponsor me you can do so by any of the following ways:
- sponsor me online by visiting: - checks or money order (made out to AWLA)
- cash (hand delivered only - please do not send cash in the mail)
If you are interested in either please respond to this via email or lj comment and I can arrange a way to pick it up or have it mailed. I have to have all pledges into AIDS Walk Los Angeles by Wednesday, November 8th, 2006.
Thank you for your continued support. Remember, every little bit counts J