(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 00:26

i get it now, friends.  i recorded three songs the day i got dumped, and three more over the next two days, and it's like a magical cure for drowning in feelings.

i was actually just telling kj (while she was trying to dream of sugar plums on christmas eve) that i've had a bit of a chip on my shoulder about music.  i didn't want to have anything to do with it because i knew that most nanaimo folks wouldn't really like me or see me unless i made music, and i figured i'd rather not be liked or seen unless i'm allowed to be quiet, or whatever else it is my heart desires.  but i got so overwhelmed i didn't know what else to do, and it occurred to me that most of the music in the world is made because people feel that way.  i'm glad i got over the attitude.

i feel balanced and on-track again.  terribly sad, yes, but like everything inside me is sorted into the right piles and tied up with string.
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