survey. Blame Maiden

Dec 29, 2006 15:35

[ Looks ]

Are you taller/shorter than the rest of your family?:
I’m the tallest girl in my family

How many times have you dyed your hair? What colors?:
I’ve lost count. My mom always dyed it blonde when I was little 

What tattoos do you have? If none, what would you like?:
none. I want Fai’s tatoo though.

What are your thoughts on piercings?:
whatever and wherever. I don’t have any though. Too many horror stories o__O

How much do your own looks matter to you?:
I prefer to look homeless or that I’ve been out to sea for a month.
So long as I don’t smell.

Where do you usually shop for clothes?:
GoodWill and the Garment District

Are you a thrifty shopper, or does price not matter?:
Oh yes

How much makeup do you wear on an average day?:
zero. Sometimes mascara because it gets under my eyes and it looks like I haven’t slept in a month. People give me stuff XD

How much time do you take getting ready to go out?:
30 minutes. I like long showers though.

Do you like to wear hats? What kinds?:
Not really. I like weird hats.

[ Multimedia ]

What did you think was the worst movie of all time?:
Day after tomorrow. That movie SUCKED

If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?:
Joel McHale. Because his job looks like so much fun.

Ever buy a bootlegged VHS or DVD? If so, of what?:
Not to my knowledge. But if I did it was probably an anime.

Would you rather watch movies at home or in the theater?:
At home. On my brother’s LCD television.

What kind of food do you buy at the theater?:
popcorn. I don’t care if I get sick, I’m like addicted to the coconut oil.

What artist do you love to sing along with?:
Yoko Kanno. Because I don’t know if she sings. We can both suck together.

What artist do you think has no right to be as popular as they are?:
Lindsey Lohan. I f*ckin’ used to like her.

What's a song that makes you cry? (come on, there has to be one):
Good Night Julia.

What movie makes you laugh so hard your stomach hurts?:
Little Miss Sunshine

Are there any dance/action/fighting scenes from a movie you can perform?:
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. Guess.

Is there any movie you can quote word for word?:
Nightmare Before Christmas.

[ Love and Dating ]

What do you think of kissing on the first date?:
Me? I wouldn’t be on a date in the first place.

Have you ever experienced unrequited love?:

What is your ultimate fantasy date?:
It doesn’t even exist in nonexistance.

Have you ever dreamt about your crush/significant other?:
That would be inpossible

Was is a good dream, or a nightmare?:
Would be a nightmare.

Do the words "I Love You" scare you?:
If from my family, then no.

Have you ever wanted to ask someone out but didn't? Why?:

What things can a guy/girl do that turn you on?:
Bring me Doujinshhi

Have you ever been on a blind date?:

Is there any specific appearance that will turn you away from a person?:
Smellyness. Cat allergies

Do you occasionally chew on spoons?:

Do you even know what that means?:
no I do not

[ The Past ]

What was your favorite childhood toy?:
Rumble ball. Then I learned it was a dog toy. O.o
I was always jealous of my brother’s plush asparagus. Still am.

Did you play with kids in your neighborhood when you were little?:

How many times have you moved?:
Dad: 7
Mom: at least 10 times

What were your "awkward years"?:
fifth and sixth grade.

What's a childhood memory that you'll remember forever?:
My friend hitting the pinata into our pool

Did you have a security blanket/stuffed animal you always slept with?:
No. I switched around.

What was your favorite childhood TV show?:
Power Rangers and Barney. Animal Planet.

Nightmare before Christmas and Beetlejuice

Did you have lots of new toys or hand-me-downs?:
Hand-me-downs (youngest of three)

Is there anything you would change about your childhood if you could?
Wish we kept the house in Orinda longer (pool)

[ The Future ]

Do you want to live in the same town for the rest of your life?:

Who right now do you think you could grow old with?:
My friends and Brother.

Do you worry about the future a lot?:
I should.

What's the next big event you're counting down to?:
hanging with friends tomorrow

What kind of technology advances are you expecting?:
Four wall tv screen

Do you believe in a date for the end of the world?:

How do you think it will come about, anyway?:
Metalocalypse paired with Ragnorak

[ Your Thoughts ]

Do you believe in all the teachings of your religion?:
I’m agnostic soooo yes?

If you could go back in time for 1 week, what date would you return to?
September 10, 2001

What do you feel is the best source of venting sorrow or anger?:
Listening to music

Do you believe in magic?:

Are computers annoying or helpful?:

Does laundry really need to be separated into colors and whites?

What's the best place to meet new people?:
A convention

Can the future be predicted?:

Is there anything that people do that drives you insane?:
Tapping their feet so that I shakes the table I’m sitting at.

Why do you fill out these surveys?:
Because Maiden did. Wanna jump off a cliff?

[ Favorites ]
Attraction at a zoo/carnival:
petting zoo. I love goats!

Brand of peanut butter:
blegh I hate peanut butter

Genre of music:

Uranus (seriously as well)

Foreign food:
Japanese. Manjuus XD

Way to torture someone:
Tickle and Celine Dion music
Flavor of muffin:
poppy seed. Hands down.

Toothpaste brand:
er, Crest?

Piece of memorabilia in your room:
old artwork

Writing utensil:
Pitt pens

Extracurricular activity:

Person to pick on:
My sister

[ Friends ]

Approx. how many good friends do you have?:

Are you attracted to any of your friends?:
not romantically.

What was the most mortifying moment you had in front of your friends?:
I almost passed out in front of one

Who did you have the craziest convo with?:
they cannot be ranked

You ever have parties for no reason?:
they’re the best kind.

What's something you've been grateful for from your friend(s)?:
I’m gonna avoid being sappy. But, their patience.

Does anyone just randomly show up at your house?:
actually no.

Did you ever know when a friend was keeping something from you?:
I usually don’t delve that deep.
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