ch-ch-ch-changes! *sings*

Apr 03, 2009 14:06

lots of new and exciting things are happening! i'll bullet to keep this shit simple.

(1) legal realm:

-public interest auction (fundraiser) was a HUGE success! we even had an article written about us, in which i was quoted and a picture of mine was used! yay. :) link:

-race and the law conference was superb--we put on a great set of events that were very well attended!

-sex and the law symposium is gearing up--events occuring during the week of april 15. exciting!

-writing an article/paper on disability discrimination . . . it's shaping up well, but i have a lot of work to do on it before seeking publication.

(2) photo realm:

-got a new camera--canon eos 5d mark II. 21 megapixels. full-frame. *swoons*

-because of said new camera, i'm actually going to give this whole "professional photographer" thing a try. i'm super excited, but also a bit nervous...let's hope this all works out! many different things in the works re: this big step, more news to follow.

-working on a website. gotta get my CV and portfolio up there!

-shooting tons of concerts, but hopefully going to start doing press kit shots, as well.

-see above article--might start freelancing for the newspaper, brooklyn daily egale, on a more serious basis!

-continuing assistant photographer work, also on a more serious basis with the new camera.

SO: all-in-all, good things are happening.

though, money is really a frustrating roadblock in this whole process. i keep thinking about a conversation i had with bitch the other night about it--"money doesn't grow on trees? yes it does! money IS trees!" interesting concept. i expect her to write a song about it, or at least am hoping for that, hahaha!

oh! and randomness: i met a guy who mixes albums for ani difranco. he really likes my photos of bitch, so i'm totally itching for that hook-up. methinks it could happen in the next few months . . . *DANCES WITH JOY*

random, photo, law schoolery, update

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